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Thank you for being willing to help make camp the best week of the summer!
Adult Volunteers:
We need lots of help to make camp run smoothly! You can be a cabin counselor, an elective leader, camp cook, game facilitator and much more! Whether you have the whole week to give or just a day, we would love your help! Counselors in charge of a cabin will need to attend meetings and be trained for the week. To help in any fashion, we need a copy of your clearances. Please fill out the form to let us know how you would like to volunteer.
PA Child Abuse History Clearance
Pennsylvania Criminal History Information Act
Teen Leaders: (Closed May 1st)
We are excited to have young people who can provide energy to their cabins! Teens are a huge part of making camp run smoothly. With the numbers we have gotten over recent years, we will only bring a set amount of teen helpers. All teenagers must apply and applicants will be chosen based on age, church participation, and experience helping with kids. Please apply below.
Junior High Mission Trip: (Cost: $75, Closed May 1st)
We love bringing junior high students to camp to serve and grow deeper in their faith. This service-based branch of camp is designed for junior high students who want to get a taste of mission work while having fun in a camp setting. Students will clean dishes, set up games, clean the chapel, serve snacks, and much more to serve God by serving others. They will also have their own small groups, swim time, games, and activities. A limited number of junior high students can come to camp so please apply early!